These lips are sealed

I am sure people think it is a safe topic.
They truly care about me and want to know.
But I'm tired of talking about it.
The divorce. The process. Her.

I have my own life now.
She does as well.
And it is not together. Not even close.
We are separated by more than a petition, and a settlement agreement.
We are separated by trust, commitment and morality.
And I don't want to discuss it.

I gave a friend the license to slap the living shit out of me.
If I talk about any of it; all of it.
She's not had to, yet.
But everyone asks.
(They want to gauge me, my mood, my happiness.)
I am better than good.
A little sad at times, but that's normal, I suppose.

Here's the update: We're close to signing a settlement.
That will end it. The judge will sign it.
The divorce will be final.
Then, legally in California, we wait out the six months and a day.
My lawyer says that's Sept. 20.

And so I'm done talking about IT.
If you want to talk, ask me about anything else.
But that.
I'm over and done.
I mean it.


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