Wednesday's Three Word Wednesday

The words over at Three Word Wednesday are errant, hanker and murky. Something in the way of social commentary.

I am the shadow that crosses your mirror when you start to look away; I am the smoke, the errant vapor, which disappears when you turn your head slightly on murky street corners.
I am doubt, indecision. I feed on your fears, mistrust. And I hanker for more.
These days, it’s a banquet, a smorgasbord out there. So much fruit of the vine, the work of human frailty, that I am nearly stuffed.
See, a glutton’s work is never quite done – and you’ve all driven yourselves to a sweet ripeness that cannot be denied.


PS the Pratsie said…
so true !! well said of all dark emotions we harbor at times !
anthonynorth said…
Short but very sweet - and true.
mark said…
Sounds like a TV Guide description of Cable News...
Paul said…
Nicely atmospheric.
Daily Panic said…
the desceiption in this is perfect, and it drips the evil it encourages.
rebecca said…
b said…
Very good..Doubt and Indecison. Their work is never done.

Jeeves said…
This is your best! Really, really liked it
Larry said…
very nice like it alot and look forward to visiting here again.Thanks for stopping by I appreciate your comment you left..
Ann (bunnygirl) said…
All the dark emotions feed on themselves. Until people realize that, the darkness will continue.
peggy said…
So dark and repelling, but also, tempting. alluring. you are a master at this.
I like the way you do dark. You make us wish for more and more...

elbowing in, elbowing out
lissa said…
when I read the title, I thought something, well, just not what I expect, it sounds rather earnest and so very true but you do make it sound somewhat like science fiction
Tumblewords: said…
Excellent! Deep and chilling. And so true!
Lucy said…
very eerily, this hit home
I am so full of fear lately and feel beyond frail..
enough to eat here for a year.
hauntingly good Thom!
ahh a dark delight that hits the spot!!! and winter is just beginning....
Sepiru Chris said…
Egads, Thom. I come a week late and, therefore have one less living week for this snippet to occupy part of my mind space.

Four words, Thom. Four words...

Want. Chap book. Now.

OK. Five words.


Thom, you are fantastically gifted. What the hell are you doing at your day job? I will pay for this stuff. Seriously. You are really, really freaking talented.


OK. Rant over. ish. But, really.


It is always a pleasure to read your mind, encapsulated in ones and zeros. Errant thoughts fixed in murky e-space, making me more than hanker for more. The non-existence of a chapbook is a chancre in the murky soul of the world. And the glutton in me wants more; want's that sweet ripeness that cannot, and should not, be denied.


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