Soup's on!
First, a confession.
I weigh 250 pounds, even.
At this time last year, I was 212.
It's Labor Day, so I'm going to relax a little, but the plan is formulating. Walk or ride to work. Stop by the Y to workout. Walk the dogs longer in the morning and the evening. Ride.
And get a massage (hey, might as well start off on a good note).
The soup is simple: 1 cup of vegetable stock, 1 cup water, 1/4 cup rice noodles, three green onions, chopped, a pinch of fresh cilantro and dried spices to taste that included chive, garlic, cumin, basil, ginger, sea salt and cracked pepper. Squeeze in a little lime juice and hot sauce (I'm partial to Sriracha). With it, you get a double espresso and an organic banana.
It's hot, filling and balanced.
I'm surprised.
That's the recipe.
That's the plan.
I'll weigh in in 30 days to see what happens.
(And yes, I fully understand that my life isn't quite built for this level OCD organization; I'll do the best I can.)
i'm not sure if it's made a difference.. i think the main thing is i no longer walk everywhere...
well, that, and a bigassbucket o'popcorn every weekend.
ps next sentence being sent tomorrow
Keep rockin' it... you'll see.
-Me [LFoaB]