Wednesday's Three Word Wednesday

The word prompts over at Three Word Wednesday are desperate, lapse and traveled. Let’s keep the exercise to 100 words, shall we?

Lately, she’d come to have memory lapses.
Forgetting where she put her keys, her eyeglasses, stammering when the neighbor stopped – a face she couldn’t place – to comment on her wildflowers.
Later, she’d sit on the porch with a glass of tea, fingering the sweat beads. Her face would go blank, her body ridged, like stone.
Desperate, her husband quietly sought the advice of experts. They traveled, saw specialists. Gray-haired men in serious whites shook their heads.
She smiled a weary smile, put a hand on his.
“When it’s all said and done, promise that you’ll go on living.”


Anonymous said…
Yowza... Nice piece! I actually have a neighbor who's daughter-in-law is going through this. Very sad, but beautifully written piece.

- Snarky Pants
Anonymous said…
My heart goes out for her..

My post
PJD said…
Still a fan. fingering the sweat beads, gray haired men in serious whites, the weary smile and the hand. Beautiful in its simplicity and raw humanity.
Tumblewords: said…
Ouch! Reality check by prompt. Great!
quin browne said…
been there, wrote about that... i still wonder, when you forget the words, do they remember you?
susan said…
I'm a huge fan, Thom. I really like what you do. My grandmother was this woman and I'm very likely to follow. Not being melodramatic, just paying attention to genes.
Anonymous said…
ahh the simplicity of forgetfullness and the love of another to carry you through... recently wrote abt this too... it is everywhere, popping up in empty puzzled eyes... delightful 100

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