Dark Corners

It's been in the notebook for a little more than a week. It feels unfinished, somehow. I don't know. What do you think?

Dark Corners

Human frailty,
human nature,
breed dark corners.
Places where the light does not reach.
Not even the touch,
of another human,
or the warm fur of a favored pet,
can penetrate the inky blackness,
of dark corners.
It is the well of the soul,
where emotions get pushed,
to fester.
Dark corners,
the fuzzy edge,
that fringe of space
we all fear.


Anonymous said…
I think it begins and ends, ThomG. But if you think it's unfinished, it is. Do you have more to add to the middle?
Anonymous said…
Perhaps it isn't the darkness of humanity in us, but the spirit trying to break free. To find, once again,our ember and to gently breathe life back into it. Then the great flame, of our light can once again radiate outward and upwards.
just a thought
Anonymous said…
"It is the well of the soul"

I came back to look again, and I'm wondering if you want to say "It is the abandoned well of the soul" instead. It might make it seem more like a place to discard things and let them fester than a place that might be considered useful.

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