'Momentum is your friend'
The Factor said this, as he tried to lead me through a steep, rocky technical section of trail.
He might as well have been talking about life.
Forward progress to carry you through the steep, rocky technical section of life.
Momentum is your friend.
I’m not sure my wheels are not gaining any traction.
Perhaps it’s because I’ve slept like crap; I went down somewhat hard Sunday, skinned my right knee and elbow and got my left shin caught in some manzanita and got scraped up pretty good. There’s an interesting bruise coming to the surface of my left ass cheek (not sure how that happened) and Saturday’s activities waxed my left shoulder.
I couldn’t find a position in bed that was comfortable. Past midnight, I got up to down some ibuprophin and pray for relief.
I still know what needs to be done (or what I consider the steps that need to be down). I do the steps. I don’t see big results (hell, I’d be OK with small results – tangible stuff – just so long as I see and feel them).
Right now, I’m off the bike. I’m stepping through the really scary parts. Walking through them.
When all I need to do is let the momentum carry me through.