Saving grace

As much as I’d like to think so, I cannot save anyone.
Hell, I can’t even save myself.
There have been times where I thought I could save people, just by my loyalty and my fierce protection. By listening to them, and giving them wise advise.
We’re all alone here.
Oh, I’m still a good listener, I still will be there for anyone who seeks my counsel.
I will remain fiercely loyal and protective for those I love.
But I can’t save anyone.
We’re on our own here.
It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but one I’ve needed to take for some time now. The idea that you can make an absolute difference in a life, when all you can do is hope for the best.
Hope that person listens.
How that they seek further guidance.
And truly think about – truly see – the situation before them.
But, in the end, the decisions we make are individual decisions – which can affect more than that one person.
We have to make the best decision possible for ourselves.
And hope that the fallout doesn’t destroy those around us.
Oh, I wish I had the power to save.
But I don’t.
I can listen.
I can do things to make myself a better person.
In the end, we are responsible for ourselves.


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