Roadtrip! (update)

A Boy and His Dog, On The Road:

Time elapsed in the truck: five hours, 41 minutes.
Number of songs played on the iPod: 103 (Dinosaur Jr.'s "Almost Ready" and The Replacement's "Can't Hardly Wait" twice each).
Time elapsed in the doggy opthamologist's office: 38 minutes.
Cost of the office visit: $115 (that's like $3.03 a minute).
(Total vet bills since May 29: $390.)
Gas (one tank) to get to Sacramento and back: $56.
One McCraptacular meal (breaking a vow never to eat fast food): $8.02 (Trin was treated to a bacon cheeseburger, plain and a few fries).

Piece of mind for Trin's eyeball: Worth every fucking penny.

The ulcer is still present, but it's healing. In the past 24 hours, much of her irritation has dissipated. She's kept it open without much squinting and no yellowish discharge. The eye vet dropped the dosage of antibiotic down to one drop twice a day, and cancelled the twice-a-day eye drops that dilate her pupil. We'll keep up with the oral antibiotic, as well as the oral painkiller for another week. And she'll see my Redding vet again in a week.

"We could go in two directions here," the opthamologist said. "Do nothing and let it heal on its own - it doesn't look too bad and there shouldn't be any scaring - and wait it out another week. Usually, these thing heal in a week's time, but she seems to be a breed that's sensitive.
"The other option is to do keratotomy," he added. "That's the other way to go. I laser a grid into her cornea and force it to heal. We do in in the office, we just numb the eye, and it takes about a week to heal.
"But I think I'd like to wait to see what happens. She's not going to damage the eye either way, and I can certainly do the surgery when I'm up in Chico next (cutting my drive time to two hours, roundtrip)."

Curious? Yeah, I was, too. Keratotomy - laser eye surgery on a dog - is $135. Again, well worth the price for the go-to action dog.

(Oh, and I let her take a shit on McCraptacular's lawn - and I didn't pick it up. My small moment of civil disobedience.)


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