Holy Trinity

Pardon the silence.
Saturday was our local Relay For Life cancer walk. I walked for our team until 3:30 a.m.
And slept in.
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, Saint Francis of Assisi just might be the most popular Catholic saint in a long line of saints.
I'm going to have to agree.
Last Saturday at mass, Father asked up to share with those around us our name and what we'd like that person to pray for us. Usually, it is a quick handshake, no wishes (I think people just get a little self-conscious).
The little old lady reached her knobby hands to mine and asked, "What can I pray for for you?"
"My dog, Trinity. She got sprayed by a skunk and now has a real problem with her eye."
"Ohhh, I'm so sorry. I'm going to ask Saint Francis to heal her."
And I'm thinking, "Hey, not a bad idea."
I put my own silent prayers to the man.
So did a few other people last week.

And you're thinking, "yeah, right. Buncha freaks, praying to a long-dead Catholic saint to heal a medical issue."
When I took Trin into the dog opthamologist on Wednesday, the ulcer on her cornea was the worst it had been. New blood vessels had opened at the site - increased blood flow aids in healing - but the ulcer looked like it was getting bigger. The opthamologist showed me a crack in Trin's cornea below where she had irritated it.
It was healing on its own - and it wasn't.
We did decide to wait and see.
"Ulcerations like this usually take about a week to heal," the vet said. "I'm just not sure why this is taking so long."
Thursday morning, the ulcer - the blood vessels and the crack, were gone.
There's not any scarring on the cornea. It's like she had never been sprayed (except for that faint wiff of skunk that still wafts off her).

It is good enough that I when I'm around, she doesn't have to wear the plastic cone.

Saint Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals, is OK in my book.


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