Means to an end or gift horse?

Wing-gal makes and interesting point:

Word is that my new Trek Fuel mountain bike - the one I have seen only on display, but never ridden - is too small for my ample frame. And the word is that people are lining up to offer large dollars to take it off my hands.

"ThomG already has a kick-ass bike" was basically the sentiment.

And the money I would get from such a sale would get me even with whom I owe money. Sell the bike, and I'm pretty much out of debt.

Oh, but do I want that bike. I want to ride that bike, with its orange paint and custom flame job, across the finish line next year of the Lemurian Shasta Mountain Bike Race. I want people to clap and cheer me on and mention that I completed a race on a bike that I won in a raffle. I want them to point and go, "There goes one lucky bastard."

I deserve that bike.

So I asked the man who I owe the most money to - my dad - and he was philosophical:

"Do what you want to do with it, and don't let anyone else tell you different."

If the frame fits - it is a 17.5-inch frame - I keep it; if it is just too damn small for me, I sell it and get my "get out of debt free card" and break even.

It's one of those win-win things (but, boy do I want that frame to fit my big ass).


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