Life, as I know it (now).

Something interesting has happened. 
Community leaders have been reaching out the past few days to seek out my opinion/input on a situation that has, for better or worse, polarized the small burb where I’ve find myself.
I’d be a liar if I said the attention has gone unnoticed. 
Since I have a solution that is fair to all parties. One that is so simple, yet so hard to implement. 
Here lies a turning point; a place where the community sought out the editor of the community newspaper for his opinion, council. It is a point of acceptance in what is altogether a close-knit community that counts history above all carpetbaggers. 
I have been accepted as a voice of reason within the community. 
Someone to seek out.
It is what I have wanted since I came here. 
And it is what has me so confused. 
I am still fraught with what to do in my life. As The Clash so eloquently said, “Should I stay, or should I go?”
Misery dogs me.
True misery.
The feeling of going home and pulling the covers up over your head and watching your dog stick her face into yours, her eyes pleading, “I can help, pet me.” 
To love this land, those people so close to me and the community who have accepted an outsider as a voice of reason.
It is hard to simply walk away from in the absolute.
It gives one a sense of false hope.
The situation is far from ideal. No place is. 
While talking to First Sister recently, I said, “I have a hard time with having people telling me what to do. Basically since birth.”
“Everywhere you go, everything you do, there will be someone who tells you what to do. That’s a given. You’ve got to get over it. Even I have to do what others tell me to do.”
I do not consider this a fault. To question those “in charge” is to seek new ideas. But sometimes, no one is listening. 
And that’s the dilemma. 
I am the consummate community newspaper editor.
(Bold? Fuck yes. I am beyond good in what I do. I’m fucking built for this.)
Can I reach my potential here?
That feels like a no.
There is so much to love about this place, this time. I am great at what I do. The staff responds in a way that any editor would hope – they learn, adapt and strive.
I have impediments in front of me that make it difficult to move forward in a way that satisfies myself – and the rest of the world. 
I wish it were not so. 
No situation is truly perfect. 
And fight as I might, the only logical solution is to wander forward. 
Seek another adventure. 
And try and find my place in this world. 


dolorah said…
That profound Thom.

Rallentanda said…
A rolling stone gathers no moss something that never bothers an adventurer.An adventurer seeks the thrill of the new, the challenge of survival and starts climbing the walls when too long in one place. WWhatever you decide,enjoy and buona fortuna!

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