OneWord, "Beloved"

Sixty seconds and a cloud of words. That's OneWord, a writers' prompt that has helped me focus my writing.

Today's word? "Beloved."

He offered a toast to his beloved, but she sat there, silent. He raised his glass again, a vintage Bordeaux, and still she did not respond.
He hung his head. His clothes were in tatter. Long, yellowed fingernails scraped across the table, leaving clean tracks in the dust. He called for her to answer his calls for love.
She remained silent.
Slumped as she was in the chair, long dead and decayed.


Anonymous said…
Oh, Thom, you're back to the dark side... and I couldn't be happier! You write this stuff so well... it's all in the timing, I believe, and you have it, in spades. Amy
Dee Martin said…
lol - you need to visit oneword more often...

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