Scenes from New York

I recently went to the American Museum of Natural History and took my Canon G11 with me.
After a trek through the museum, I got off the B train early and walked home, which took me past the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine, the largest (and still unfinished) cathedral in the world.
The day was overcast and cold, so I edited much of the shoot into black and white. Here are the results. 

Great Hall, African Mammals
Stegosaurus, Hall of Ornithischian Dinosaurs

Backside dinosaur

T Rex, Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs

Hyena diorama, African Mammals

Stone head, South American Peoples Hall

Giant jellyfish, Hall of Biodiversity

Saint John the Divine

Another angle

And another. Construction began in 1892.

Apartment building, Harlem


VL Sheridan said…
Did you have the chance to see the giant Blue Whale at the museum? It was always the highlight of our school visits when I was a child. I took my kids to see it several years ago, and their reaction was 'meh'. SIGH.
Monica Manning said…
Love Backside Dinosaur. The swooping tail draws the eye up, magnifying the size of this enormous beast. You have a great eye, Thom. It's hard to tell which gift is greater. Perhaps your next non-fiction book should be something about photography.
Katina said…
Very, very nice.
Jon said…
Nice shootin', Tex! That T-Rex looks like a bad mo-fo, even in skeleton form. Old bones, old buildings and gray days were made for B&W photography, no doubt.
I want to see some more at some point.
Uma Anandane said…
In B/W they look tremendously good.Nice capture

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