OneWord, Sunlight

Still no Interwebs service at home. Everything is done by coffee shop or stolen signal.
Thought I'd do a OneWord. One word, and 60 seconds to writer. That word? Sunlight.

Sunlight pervades this place. The kind of lemony-yellow light that makes you squint, sneeze, just by looking at it. It envelopes you, like a blanket, warm on exposed flesh that turns to heat when out too long. Sunlight like the skin of a golden delicious apple, fragrant, vibrant. The final strong rays of fall, before another winter sets in, turning skin to alabaster, gooseflesh.


OMJ said…
"or stolen signal" ha! lemony-yellow - beautiful images of sunlight!
Dee Martin said…
trying very hard to NOT think about winter - I would love a few weeks of crisp cold snow and home made bread and fire in the fireplace. Maybe three weeks, but then - give me any any of the other three seasons.

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