OneWord - Permission

OneWord is a fun little writing prompt that keeps the edge on your writing. You're given a word - and 60 seconds to write. That word is permission.

This was life, not high school. But he couldn't help but think back to that simpler time, when a hall pass, that little folded permission slip, was a gateway to a world without boundaries. He longed for that kind of permission now, some slip of paper that said, "Hey, this guy's got carte blanche to meander." If only to release the dreams he carried - and derail the fears.


Jane Doe said…
If you happen to find a hall pass for life, would you mind photo copying me one?

Great writing, it taps into that primal longing for utter freedom that we all have.

Have a great weekend,

Linnnn said…
High School permission slips still have to be procured from the power people...but once you got one, game on! Skippin' to the lake for some beers...
Donna said…
You have a hall pass. Use it.

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