Sunday Scribblings: Trust
The prompt over at Sunday Scribblings is trust.
“Today, for some reason, I think of it in terms of money left, and the games that we used to play to team build at summer camp. I'm not sure what that says about today! Who do you trust? Who do you not trust? What does it take to earn yours? What would you do if you discovered you had money in one? What do you think about trust?”
I choose to write about trust, as it relates to the relationship of reliance, in 100 words.
The highball sweats on the bar, a black swizzle stick angled erotic from the ice, vodka, lime wedge.
He’s been here too long, throat parched, the liquor a hazy veil on his thought process. He eyes the room through slits; angered mistrust. A warning sign, caution, don’t touch.
The bartender keeps count. The next will be his last.
“How you doing?”
Hands rub together, nervous.
“Fine. I’m fine. I’m OK.”
“Just checking.”
The white collar got to people. He knew it. The beliefs, the code, the ethics. Sometimes, it was way too much.
“Father, let me call you a cab.”
“Today, for some reason, I think of it in terms of money left, and the games that we used to play to team build at summer camp. I'm not sure what that says about today! Who do you trust? Who do you not trust? What does it take to earn yours? What would you do if you discovered you had money in one? What do you think about trust?”
I choose to write about trust, as it relates to the relationship of reliance, in 100 words.
The highball sweats on the bar, a black swizzle stick angled erotic from the ice, vodka, lime wedge.
He’s been here too long, throat parched, the liquor a hazy veil on his thought process. He eyes the room through slits; angered mistrust. A warning sign, caution, don’t touch.
The bartender keeps count. The next will be his last.
“How you doing?”
Hands rub together, nervous.
“Fine. I’m fine. I’m OK.”
“Just checking.”
The white collar got to people. He knew it. The beliefs, the code, the ethics. Sometimes, it was way too much.
“Father, let me call you a cab.”
And the first sentence wins my delish word combo prize.
The good stuff never stops, T : )
For me, seeing others flaws makes it easier to accept them. I don't feel better than, just on the same field.
feeling better?