Doe does deadly dive, diners delighted

This is why I love living in the Midwest, the whole practicality thing:

VALLEY CITY, N.D. (AP) ­ Police say they killed a deer that was severely injured after running through a glass door at the Valley City State University field house.
Police Officer Steve Loibl said the doe ran through the door of the field house about 7:30 a.m. Monday. He killed the animal and the meat was processed.

Venison steaks, anyone?


One of the great things about living in Alaska was that when someone killed or injured beyond help a moose or a bear on the highway, the meat was processed and then given to either the Senior Citizen's home or the Children's Pre-school.
One of the things I miss most about Alaska is the moose burger, fresh crab and halibut showing up on my doorstep, and gravlox at Christmastime. Free food.
peachesandplums said…
way to beat the shit out of that alliteration.
stuckinmypedals said…
I'm a lurker from Redding. At a golf scramble at the Lake Redding course, my husband hit a screaming drive down the fairway and knocked the head clean off a goose. To our amusement, another golfer took it home for dinner. We called the goose Lucky and counted the shot as a hole in one.

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