Seasons of change

The chill hung heavy on the comforter; the windows are still open, but it's getting to be time where that can't happen. Where the flannel sheets and goose-down blanket will be needed.
But for now, the chill still is tolerable. Still wanted. Sleeping weather.
Summer fades into autumn, another season. The leaves of the maples have begun their shift from green to red and orange, almost overnight.
Another season. Another change.
I watch, like a spectator. But know I'm a participant, willing or not.
There is change all around me. In my life, the lives of others. There is change in every aspect of life that I can see.
I wonder, ponder, if this is the natural course of things, or do I just get glimpses of these changes to remind myself that it is inevitable.
And that I should embrace it.


Anonymous said…
As I gave in to my desire to stay a little longer under the blankets this morning, I only missed one thing... the flight of geese coming south at this time of year. In northern California they would come through and stay in September until fall forced its way in. They would then move a little further south to winter over. Here in Kansas I can really see and feel the change of the season. Maybe I'll see the geese soon!
RachelRenae said…
Here is South Carolina, all the trees are still green. The average temperature is still over 90. I hear rumors of autumn from other parts of the country... whispers of cooler temperatures and turning colors. I feel I am living in the antithesis of Lewis' Narnia.
Anonymous said…
Guess that means that those flannel sheets you couldn't use in Cali will be superb in your new village

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