On the (water) wagon

A friend of mine wrote a great opinion piece in the newspaper on Thursday, one that has stirred this water-drinker to action.
I am a bottled-water consumer.
I also am a dedicated fisherman and conservationist.
But when my last flat of bottled water is drunk - the bottles left for the recyclers - I will purchase bottled water no longer.
I usually buy a case of bottled water for $4.98; that’s for 24 bottles – when I could just fill any old bottle or glass from the tap for free (or for whatever the city is charging me already for all my water consumption).
I looked at the label on the bottled water – and it’s “purified” tap water from Los Angeles.
What a dipshit I am.
The water in Upstate California is some of the purist around. It falls as snow on the Cascade and Sierra Nevada mountains. And my community does not add fluoride to its water (although it does add chlorine).
If I want to take the chlorine out of the water, all I have to do is got to my Mega Hardware Outlet and buy an under-sink purifier for less that $100.
I chose to drink bottled water, since it was an easy way to track my consumption.
Yet in the cupboard, I have a mix of at least five Nalgene or Sigg water bottles. All of which hold a liter of water – and have marks in both liters and ounces.
Refill. Reuse. Keep on drinking water.
Because I need it. We all need it.
The human body is 70 percent water; break that down further and the liver is 96 percent water, blood 90 percent water and the brain is 85 percent water.
Humans need a gallon of water a day to stay healthy (yes, drinking a gallon of water a day will cause you to pee – a lot; my motto, “Pee clear, and pee often.”)
I just don’t need to keep adding all those plastic bottles to the environment.
And it stops, soon.


Anonymous said…
Good for you. Plastic bottles take petroleum to make. It is a step in the right direction and will save money, environment and garbage space.
Steve said…
Just don't pee in my sink if you come over.

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